Friday, September 23, 2011

Tips to Save Yourself If Solar Storms Happen

Tips to Save Yourself If Solar Storms Happen, NASA scientists have warned of the phenomenon of solar storms that cause space weather changes can affect the earth. "We know that this will soon come, but we do not know how bad it lasted," said Dr. Richard Fisher, director of NASA's Heliophysics Division, told the Daily Telegraph.

Although the authorities to move on this event is getting closer, but can not predict how serious the problem. Here are tips to keep yourself and family during the storm geomagnetis quoted from Wired.

1. Buy Faraday cage

Faraday cage is an attachment material that blocks the external static electric field. If the conductor is thick enough, but the hole is smaller than the wavelength of the incoming electromagnetic radiation, the radiation will not be able to pass through.
The shape of the cage was the reason why the phone did not work inside some buildings and elevators, microwave why does not hurt, and why a piece of tin in a bag or purse can be detected RFID.

2. Save your money under the mattress

Most of the modern bank is run by electronic systems. Your money is actually recorded in a computer database and located in various regions. If the disaster is limited to certain areas, it does not cause many problems.
However, these policies can not be done if it takes place globally. If the database is interrupted because the sun's magnetic spark, so will your money. Then it is safer to save your money for a while, not in the database.

3. Have a generator

The terrain in Northern Europe, especially Britain is actually quite vulnerable. Magnetic waves can easily defeat the power plants being built all over the world.
Hurricane 1989, estimated to be less powerful than the events that will happen later, and is expected to damage the Hydro-Quebec power grid, causing the satellite out of control and stop all forms of trafficking in Toronto stock exchange.

4. Do not vacation

Going away from home without the energy source is more risky than being at home. The interior of the plane is essentially a Faraday cage, where the magnetic field that will cause damage inside the aircraft navigation system. Therefore, it is difficult or impossible for aircraft to conduct flight.

5. Do not travel

Damage to electronic items will occur at any time without notice, so that risk when going to a place with the vehicle when the traffic lights can not be used, or street lights not functioning.

6. Look around

The storm will create a huge electronic aorora incredible. And this does not just look at the poles. During the 1989 storm, the aurora borealis is also seen in the south and the aurora that occurred in 1859 is considered the most spectacular in history

Friday, September 9, 2011


Scabies is a skin disease caused by mites (mites) Sarcoptes scabiei is characterized by the presence of scabs, hair loss, and irritation of the skin
Scab disease process that is:

>Infection of this disease begins with a female mite or second stage nymphs are actively creating a tunnel in the epidermis or stratum corneum. At the tunnel is laid 2-3 eggs per day.
>Eggs hatch within 2-4 days later into larvae with legs 6.
>Within 1-2 days the larvae turn into nymphs the first stage nymphs then develop into the second stage, the legs 8. * Nymfa is becoming a young female mites, mites are ready to mate with males
>Mites develop into adult mites within 2-4 days.

Symptoms are typical of scabies is the burrow on the surface of the skin, itching, and redness and there is usually a secondary infection, for example due to bacteria. In infants, symptoms typical of the presence of ulcers on the soles and palms

There is no vaccine for scabies so prevention must be done through avoiding infection. All parties who are close to the patient needs to be treated at the same time, although there are no symptoms. Clothing, towels, sheets and goods that come into contact with the skin should be washed and ironed to prevent transmission.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Exercise and Psychological Well-being

Exercise and Psychological Well-being - Along with the growing sports industry, sports psychology plays a fairly significant. In sports performance, sports psychologists dominant role in boosting performance athletes. For example in increasing motivation, eliminating anxiety, stress. In addition, the role of emotional disorders such as the healing process that is often experienced by professional athletes such as anorexia, drug use, aggression, problems with family environment athletes, spectators, fans. See has been done by psychologists who deal with Adriano, Inter Milan striker, in the process of return his performance.

A psychologist becomes a partner for trainers in order to create an effective training method. Of course, armed with the science of psychology. The combination of physical science with the science of the human psyche to make more complete understanding of human beings. Many methods of training which is a direct contribution from the world of sports psychology.

sport psychology does play a role to help find effective training techniques and efficient in developing athletic ability athletes. Research on the travel time of cyclists is a milestone appearance of sport psychology.

It could be said that the current world of professional and amateur sports have been very dependent on the presence of sports psychology. The development of this branch of science will certainly contribute to the greater on improving the quality of athletes and the sport itself in the future.